
Helpful Information For Competitive Programming.

Stream API



Java 8 introduced the Streams API. This is a high-level API that can more or less replace looping by just chaining method calls instead.

This is a relatively advanced feature, so don't feel bad if you don't get it. It's not necessary for most competitive programming problems, but it can be useful for input processing.

What is a stream?

Streams represent a flow of data (imagine a stream of strings being basically a pipeline with all the strings from the array flowing through it), be it from an array, ArrayList, or any collection. You can manipulate this data using the Streams API provided by Java, as a way to prevent looping for simple method calls.

Why use streams?

Streams are a fast way to write loops. Instead of writing a messy for loop and doing method calls on each of the elements, you can call those methods on each element directly from a stream, greatly simplifying your coding process.

Streams are also lazy by default. This means they don't perform an operation unless they absolutely have to. As a result, this means you do not lose performance while using the Streams API.

When shouldn't you use streams?

Whenever you need access to a more powerful tool to manipulate arrays, as you will in most competitive coding problems. Streams will not make up the body of your code; they are mostly useful for input processing and basic operations.

Also, streams do not let you access the index of each element in the list. If you need access to the index, use a classic for loop.

How to Use Streams

There are 3 operations you do on a stream:

  • Creation
  • Intermediate Operation
  • Terminal Operation

Operation 1: Stream Creation

First, let's create a stream. There are a couple ways you can do this.

First, let's create an array and an arraylist, both containing data:

ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<>();

String[] list2 = new String[]{"Foo", "Bar", "Foobar"};

To get a stream from an ArrayList (or anything that's a Collection, like a Set, List, Map, etc.), just call the .stream() method on it.

Stream<String> stream =;

To get a stream from an array, call the method on it.

Stream<String> stream2 =;

At this point in time, these two streams (stream1 and stream2) are basically identical. Let's move on to step 2.

Operation 2: Intermediate Operations

Intermediate operations either remove elements from the stream, modify the elements of a stream, or some other transformation. You may chain as many of these together on a stream as you like.

They always can be called on a stream, and always return a stream.

The most common intermediate operations used in streams are filter() and map().

Here's an example of how to use filter():

stream.filter(str -> str.length() == 3)

If you don't recognize what that arrow is, go read the document on anonymous functions (a.k.a lambdas).

filter() accepts 1 argument, a Predicate. Predicates are any anonymous functions that return a boolean (true or false). In this case, the predicate is str -> str.length() == 3).

Any entries inside the stream that do not return true when checked against the predicate will be removed from the stream.

Assuming the stream is the one shown above (containing "Foo", "Bar", and "Foobar"), this filter command will filter the stream into only strings with length 3, meaning that only "Foo" and "Bar" will remain.

Now let's modify stream 2 (currently also containing "Foo", "Bar", and "Foobar"), but this time with a map() operation.

Here's an example of how to use map(): -> str.toUpperCase())

map() accepts 1 argument, an anonymous function. This anonymous function should accept 1 value (for each item in the stream individually) and return 1 value. map() essentially replaces every argument inside the array with the result of the method called ON the array.

(Note that this can be shortened to Read the part about method references in anonymous functions.)

This example specifically calls the toUpperCase method on every string. After this, the contents of stream2 become "FOO", "BAR", and "FOOBAR".

Operation 3: Terminal Operations

Terminal operations end the stream. After a terminal operation, the stream stops. You are taking the data in the pipeline and doing a final operation with it. There are a few commonly used terminal operations, but by far the most common is collect().

Here's an example of how to use collect():

ArrayList<String> arr = stream.collect(Collectors.toCollection(ArrayList::new));

(Note the method reference for new arraylist.)

collect() accepts 1 argument, a collector. These are mostly obtained using the Collectors class ( collectors.to____). This collector will collect all the items on the pipeline into an object using that collector. For example, this specific collector takes the contents of the stream pipeline and dumps them all into an arraylist, in sequential order (streams preserve order).

This specific example, when executed after the other 2 examples, creates an ArrayList with the items ["Foo", "Bar"] ("Foobar" got filtered out.)

Another common terminal operation is forEach().


(Note the method reference for System.out.println().)

forEach accepts 1 argument, a consumer. These are anonymous functions that accept a stream value and return void. In this case, this will print every string inside the stream to the system.

This function is unordered, meaning that it will call the method on each of the stream items not necessarily in order. This means it might not print


and instead print these three items out of order. If preserving order is vital, use forEachOrdered(), which IS ordered.

Putting it all together

Let's put all of this together to write a simple code snippet.

Let's say we have a string in this format:

"1 23 45 678 91 12"

We want to read all the integers from this stream, and parse them into an arraylist of integers. In other words, we want to end up with an ArrayList containing [1, 23, 45, 678, 91, 12].

First, we know that the .split(string) method gives us an array of Strings split by the string in the middle (i.e. "1 23 45 678 91 12".split(" ") = ["1", "23", "45", "678", "91", "12"]).

With a traditional for loop, our code would look something like this:

String s = "1 23 45 678 91 12";

String[] arr = s.split(" ");
ArrayList<String> nums = new ArrayList<>();

for(int i = 0; i < arr.length; i++) {

Instead, let's try doing this with streams.

First, we need to stream the array of strings.

We can do that like so:

String s = "1 23 45 678 91 12";" ")) // gives us a Stream<String>

Next, we can call a method on each element of the stream to transform it (this is the map() function's purpose.)

String s = "1 23 45 678 91 12";" ")).map(Integer::parseInt) // now it's a Stream<Integer>

Then, finally, we can collect our final list of integers that have been parsed for us.

String s = "1 23 45 678 91 12";

ArrayList<Integer> nums =" "))

This code is exactly equivalent to the above traditional for loop, except it looks a lot cleaner.

And now you know the basics of how to use the Streams API!

There are a few finer details I've glossed over here, like how streams of primitives work (they require a bit more caution. If you're interested, check out the IntStream class and similar classes, and the mapToInt() and toArray() functions. Or you can always just ask me in person. Over Discord. I'm probably gone by the time you read this.)

(2024 update: I am so incredibly gone. You can still message me on Discord though.)

Author: Raymond Zhao